The Amazing Math

Prior to this week, I thought that I had a significant understanding between the influence of mathematics on science and art. I was wrong, and people, and it's clear that there is much more to understand about their symbiotic relationship. I thought long and hard about what Professor Vesna said about "art being used to teach". I think that this is a magnificent achievement of art as I think back to the days that I would try to learn addition on flash cards. But also, it makes me ponder on the significant role of mathematics in architecture. This vision that artists create makes the world a more beautiful place to live in, and with a little complex math and hydrogen bonding, it's possible to piece together a majestic building or display a giant robot based on a cartoon. Additionally, I think it's this imagination and creativity through art that plays a significant role in creating new technologies as well.

While it's only recently that our dreams of walking with synthetic arms and limbs is starting to become a reality, it doesn't hinder our imagination in any way. We have individuals thinking beyond our current technological state and striving to mold their dreams into reality. Now, we have tests of humans controlling robotic arms with their minds, and it only proves that our imagination is limitless, making us confident in a future where dreams can be weld together with a little math.

Works Cited

Rodin, August "The Kiss", 1882

Vesna, Victoria. Robotics Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. 2012. Video. YoutubeWeb. 19 Oct 2013. <>.

Miller, Lisa. "Underwater Hotels: Five Things You Need To Know (PHOTOS)." The Huffington Post., 15 June 2013. Web. 19 Oct. 2013.
Wickham, Chris. "Mind-controlled Robotic Arm Has Skill and Speed of Human Limb." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 17 Dec. 2012. Web. 19 Oct. 2013.
"Mass production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 19 Oct.

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